Rotha chhoun chhin Chhea

Curriculum Vitae
Hello, my name is Rotha chhoun chhin Chhea, after graduating from high school, my dad died while I was in high school, leaving me with no money to continue my studies. The high school in Phnom Penh is the National University of Management. I studied for two years and have two years left to complete my bachelor’s degree. In addition to my major, I love Sotf skitl every Sunday from 7:00 to 10:00 In the morning, I got a lot of knowledge from teachers. Not only that, this scholarship has helped me a lot, such as studying, volunteering, getting to know many friends from different areas to live together as brothers and sisters. It also teaches us to understand the lessons of life, to know better about birth, to work in a team, to help society, to help the rabbits, the needy, and to teach us how to work together. Finally, I would like to say Thank you to Mr. eva-boch, the donor who helped all the poor students to continue their studies in Cambodia.
Thanks you so much